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Coping with getting fired

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2024 7:59 pm
by Anonymous User
Does anyone have any advice for an associate who has just been fired? I am mainly looking for any tips or tricks for forgiving myself for making a mistake that led to my termination. Without going into too many details, I already had low hours and then I made a mistake that PO'ed a partner with enough sway to have me terminated instead of given a soft-landing low-hours lay-off. I am in a healthy place financially (young, single, no-debt, lots of savings) and am already seeing a therapist. But I just do not know how I can forgive myself for making such a dumb and careless mistake that I would put my career and reputation in jeopardy.

Re: Coping with getting fired

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2024 8:13 pm
by Anonymous User
Therapy and time are the answer. Also, do things you enjoy that have nothing to do with law. Get a hobby like joining a sports league or choir or something like that. This will give you perspective and help you understand that your value as a human being is not determined by how you are perceived at work. What happened already happened. All you can do is move forward. What you experienced is not uncommon at all; it's just that no one talks about or advertises it.

Re: Coping with getting fired

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2024 10:39 pm
by Anonymous User
In vague terms, sounds similar to something that happened to me last year. May sound corny, but the best advice I can have is to treat it like a bad break-up. The job was a major part of your life and it is natural to feel grief that its gone. No matter how egregious your mistake, you are more than that mistake and, unless it leads to you being disbarred (which it sounds like is not even a remote possibility), it does not have to define your career. Two points:

- It really is true that this type of firing is more common than you may think. Lawyers at firms always have the out of just saying "bad fit," or "low hours, no work." It is definitely tricky finding a new gig when you are off the website, but it's possible and you will not be the first nor the last lawyer to do so. Personally, very few people know what actually went down with my situation. I would guess maybe two dozen people, including those at my new job, know that I was told I needed to have my office cleared out by the end of the week. Also, unless the partner really is a jerk or you really messed up, he or she probably won't go around telling people. Even if they are furious, I really think most people realize young people make mistakes.

- Do not immediately write-off recommendations from other attorneys at your old firm. I used references from the firm that fired me to get my new job. People will know that you are more than your mistake.

It sucks, and this is a cliche, but the only way to get through it is to go through it.

Re: Coping with getting fired

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2024 12:11 pm
by Anonymous User
People are fired all the time in this profession. It’s built into the system. Nothing with you or what you did. Start your job search and think about what’s important to you.